Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association. A guide to places where adoration is available and a multitude of resources about the Real Presence of Christ.
The Word on Fire. Catholic views correlated to contemporary society; Catholic teachings explained.
Relevant Radio. Catholic radio done by professional broadcasters. If a station is not in your area, content can be streamed.
EWTN. Catholic television, in operation for over 20 years. Live content, understandable materials on doctrine, news and an extensive library.
The Word Among Us. A monthly intended to assist people in reading, meditating on and understanding scripture and in providing sound, practical advice for Catholics on the living out of the Christian life. The website contains daily meditations on the days scripture readings and much more.
The Catholic Register. Current events and news from a Catholic perspective, a service of EWTN.
Catholic Digest. The most popular Catholic magazine in America, in publication since 1936. Concentrates on stories of real people dealing with life’s joys and troubles, struggles and triumphs. A good amount of material from the current issue and lot of online content, including sections on food, entertainment and travel.
Catholic Exchange. A site with provocative articles on an extensive array of subjects, including art, education, politics and sprituality.
Parent Leadership. A site with a lot of valuable advice on succeeding in the parent role.
Medjugorge. The official site for the Messages, Radio Mir and all things Medjugorge, the still largely-unnoticed but most dramatic Marian apparition site in history.