March 6, 2012

TheHumbleCatholic Blog


Why this Website

Richard Dawkins, perhaps the foremost atheist of our day, wrote that “as science advances … God is threatened with having nothing to do and nowhere to hide.”  (The God Delusion, First Mariner Books, 2008, p. 151) Advances in human knowledge have led some like Christopher Hitchens to equate  religious belief with the “dumb credulity that greets magic tricks.”  (The Portable Atheist, Da Capo Press, 2007, p. xx) Such thinking naturally spawns a confidence in our ability to manage our affairs on human reason alone and to deride those who try to live according to the precepts of their faith.

Our culture is full of examples. From a fear to say “Merry Christmas,” to the prohibition of Christian student groups at Vanderbilt University, to the recent HHS mandate on contraception, the messages share a common theme.  We have outgrown a God that requires recognition of His will. We are more advanced than our thunder-fearing ancestors and can stand on our own two feet, without the crutch provided by a benevolent Maker of the universe.

Now, scientific progress is certainly entitled to its due. But what of Christ? What of those who testified to seeing him alive after his death? What of the many miracles that have attended his saints throughout the ages, including those surrounding Padre Pio in the 1960s and those occurring at Medjugorje in the present day? And what of the quiet peace that is found in the hearts of having a personal relationship with God and the roaming, unsatiable wants of those who do not?  Are all such matters to be cavalierly dismissed as consequences of the “dumb credulity that greets magic tricks?”

Perhaps it is better, indeed more scientific, to willingly open ourselves to all explanations. Perhaps there is a God. Perhaps Jesus Christ spoke the truth. Perhaps we need to be less sure of ourselves and any ability to deviate from the things He said. And perhaps, just perhaps, there is eternal joy for all who simply and honestly ask.

This website has been created as a reaction to all the societal influences that speak to the contrary.  It is meant for those who may have no faith as well as for those who have much. The aim is to provide a place for questions to be explored and compassion shared.  The One who is all loves us all. Can any of us claim the right to do any less.

Ray at THC


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