April 10, 2019
A Thousand Years
“A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.”
– St. Padre Pio
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- St. Gertrude and the Scepter
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- The Story of Colleen Willard (Part I)
- St. Gertrude and His Love for Communion
- St. Gertrude and the Vision at Communion
- St. Gertrude’s Fellow Traveler
- St. Gertrude and Her Humble Fall
- St. Gertrude and Her Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory
- St. Gertrude and the Discreet Walk
- St. Gertrude and the Frost
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- One Was Hanging From The Other
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- He Fired A Rifle Directly Into It
- The Woman Who Laughed
- Not Necessary to Pray Any Longer
- In a Column of Angels
- She Wanted Him to Leave Right Away
- There, Now You Can Sing
- St. Dominic and the Boy Who Fell from His Horse
- The Sweet Smell
- One of the Oldest Churches in Rome
- She Needed To Go To Church
- Plegile’s Request
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- There Are No Coincidences
- Not For Her
- The Handkerchiefs of St. Laurence
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- The Spiritual Child of Padre Pio
- St. Catherine Laboure
- She Bowed Before the Tabernacle
- The Finger Was Completely Healed
- The Warmth On Her Face
- He Jumped Up at the Elevation
- Aimee Allope
- No More Hoax
- Rita’s Hip
- The Picture that Was Not There
- Saint John of the Abbesses
- The Nun in the White Habit
- He Wanted to Go Back to Cowley
- A Union with Her Dad
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- He Fell as if Dead in a Faint
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- Jeanne Fretel
- Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa
- One Hour that Changed So Much
- Good King Wenceslaus
- Washing the Altar Linens
- Our Lady and Oil from the Tabernacle Lamp
- St. Bernard
- He Did Not Want To Go
- Douay, Belgium
- St. Colette
- St. Angela of Foligno
- The Doves
- Canosio
- If There Were Only Someone to Whom I Might Distribute Them
- A Wonderful Peace
- Blessed Anna Maria Taigi
- Marie Savoye
- It was Called the “Secret”
- Paolina Preziosi
- Good Friday, Florence, Italy
- A Proud Knight
- Andre Frossard and the Time a Series of Miracles Unfolded
- Pompeii, 2014
- Thomas a Kempis Witnessed It
- He Thought She Meant the Wedding Chapel
- Favernay, France
- Sgt. Bartlett
- He Never Forgot that Transcendent Feeling
- Projected Forcefully Out of His Wheelchair
- Les Ulmes, France
- When a Priest Asked an 8-Year-Old Girl for Proof
- It Happened to Myself
- “Look at the Blood, It’s Disappearing”
- Siena, Italy – 1730 to the Present Day
- His Mother Came Running Up
- Washington, D.C., 1824
- La Reunion
- Corpus Christi, 1802
- Tumaco
- Marie Antoinette Riviere
- Newspapers Reported the Stories
- The Body of Our Lord is There
- Jesus is in the Host
- Penetrated with Faith and Hope
- Filled with Surprise at these Words
- A Warm Hand on the Back
- Lights All Over My Head
- St. Alphonsus de Ligouri
- A Transfusion of His Blood
- The Saint Did Not Make a Move
- As Soon as the Priest Gave Me Jesus
- A Gentle Call to Return
- Angels Revere Priests
- Ascending to Heaven
- Johnny
- A Dying Man’s Epitaph
- Do Not Fear, I Am With You
- I Have Never Felt Such a Joy Before
- He Stopped Right in Front of Me, Holding the Host
- The Flow of Whiteness
- What Do You Mean, I Live In Here
- Brother, Do Y ou See What I See
- There’s Really Nothing That Can Be Done
- A Greater Love for Charlie
- Mothers with special children
- Christmas Every Day
- An Irish Story
- When a Saint Asked Others to Pray for a Miracle
- As the Bell Rang
- Just Leave Him Under the Table and Let’s Continue with the Mass
- Friar Joseph
- Ella’s Story
- Sister Marie-Bernard
- For our family…
- No Preparation an Hour Before
- Marie Fabre
- The Moorish King and the Cross
- I Too Have Witnessed Physical Healings
- Pressac, France
- NASA and the Light in his Pocket
- St. John Bosco
- Roses for the Final Time
- St.. Catherine of Siena
- Joelle
- Marie Therese Canin
- Ida Peerdeman’s “Eucharistic Experience”
- St. Juliana Falconieri
- St. Anthony and the Mule
- To Make all of You Free of Care
- The Likeness of a Human Face
- No Need for a Walker
- relationship
- For Employment
- The Overlooked Part of the Bread of Life Discourse
- Jim Anderson
- What Do You Do During Those Long Hours
- Under the Live Oak
- The Eucharist is Not Optional
- Her Wait Was Finally Over
- Lights in the Field
- Justin Martyr
- The Color was Her Answer
- The Temple on Holy Saturday
- Battle for a Soul
- He Knew What It Meant
- Sometimes as He was On The Cross
- The Flowers of the Mass
- The Three Hundred Witnesses
- He Closed One Eye for Awhile
- The Doctor Could Not Explain It
- I’m Not Dreaming, Am I?
- He Never Felt So Loved
- Something Came From the Sacred Host
- In the Quiet of a Church – Outdoors
- A New Delight and Fresh Impressions
- When the Blessed Sacrament was Carried Past
- His Great Delight
- As If He were Suffering Blows
- A Withered Hand No More
- The Most Important Work Department in the Friary
- Circles of Light
- The Best Medicine
- Paralyzed with Scorn
- Understanding the Real Presence — in One Vision
- A Teaching from Him One Day – Like Being Under the Sun
- No More Torments
- Mother Mary
- Clenched Fists at First
- Very Strong, Yet Infinitely Gentle
- We Are Supposed to Meet
- The Brilliant Light in Akita, Japan
- The Light that God was Bringing
- The Prodigal Son and the Curate
- The Purpose of the Blessed Sacrament
- Dubna, Poland
- A Healing At Mass
- It Is So Moving
- The Church Alone
- The Cathedral that Does Not House the Shroud
- “My God, You are Real”
- Living on Bread Alone
- The Hard Heart and the Hard Host
- An Escape in Buchenwald
- O Holy Eucharist Upon the Altar
- A humble journey
- The Letter That Did Not Burn
- Before the Blessed Sacrament, From 1000s of Miles
- For Justin & Cathy
- My own experience with adoration
- Prayers for Austin
- to Ray
- For Anna
- For Johnny Mac
- Humbly Making a Difference
- For Martin
- Please Pray for me
- Bagpiper at a Funeral
- my cousins tumor; rain; our soldiers; our shepards
- Affirming TheHumbleCatholic
- Our own Ray – Affirmation
- The True Account of Prisoner Claude Newman
- Success of this Site
- Fr. Ken – CRHP
- The Hail Mary of a Protestant
- TheHumbleCatholic Blog
- No One is Beyond Redemption
- Abstinenece – It’s No Joke
- The Angel “Birdies”