We Adore and We Praise
“We adore Thee most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here in all Thy Churches, which are in the whole world, because by Thy holy cross, Thou hast redeemed the world.”
– St. Francis of Assisi
Consolation 1900 Years Earlier
During adoration, Jesus said to me, “My daughter, know that your ardent love and the compassion you have for Me were a consolation to Me in the Garden (of Olives).”
Kowalska, Saint Maria Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (Stockbridge, MA, Marian Press, 2010), entry no. 1664.
Visit Jesus Often, Or Not
“Do you want the Lord to give you many graces? Visit Him often. Do you want Him to give you few graces? Visit Him rarely. Do you want the devil to attack you? Visit Jesus rarely in the Blessed Sacrament. Do you want him to flee from you? Visit Jesus often.
– St. John Bosco
St. Francis Borgia
Once St. Francis became quite ill. He was quite weak, numb and insensitive to all attempts to rouse him to some conscious state. Even pain inflicted on him yielded no results. Day after day this continued, the whole day through.
Day after day, however, there was one exception. For two hours each morning, spent in preparing for reception of the Blessed Sacrament and in thanksgiving after it, he was awake and cheerful, appearing to be in good health.
Source: Shapcote, Emily Mary, Legends of the Blessed Sacrament (London, Burns & Oates) p.84.
Where Every Good Thought is Conceived
When I stand up to talk, people listen to me; they will follow what I have to say. Is it any power of mine? Of course not … But the secret of my power is that I have never in fifty-five years missed spending an hour in the presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. That’s where the power comes from. That’s where sermons are born. That’s where every good thought is conceived.
– Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Frances of Rome
Frances lived from 1384 to 1440. She began with setting aside a certain time for prayer each day. Then she and Vannuzza began to increase the visits they made to the various churches in Rome. Then, to her surprise, she began to have visions during Mass. Her visions often related to various feast days to the saints and other subjects for celebration on the liturgical calendar.
From these experiences came a growth in feelings of charity. She and Vannuzza were daily seen carrying food to the poor and hungry in the city.
Daily Mass remained a continual practice for both of them.
Source: McHugh, Joan Carter, My Daily Eucharist II, (Lake Forest, IL, Witness Ministries, 2004), entry for March 8, with an excerpt from Driven by the Spirit by Daniel F. Stramara, OSB OLIV.
100,000 Times a Day
“We must visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament a hundred thousand times a day.”
– St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis Solano
St. Francis Solano was seen, frequently during Mass, suspended several feet into the air.
Source: Cruz, Caroll, Eucharistic Miracles (Charlotte, North Carolina, Tan Books, 2010) p. 289.
The Wonderful Truth
“This is the wonderful truth, my dear friends: the Word, which became flesh two thousand years ago, is present today in the Eucharist,”
– Pope John Paul II
These Souls Are Safe Now
On Sunday, February 20th, He spoke to Sr. Josefa after the Consecration: “Tell Me what you have to offer Me for the souls I have confided to you. Put it all in the wound of My heart, so that your offering may acquire an infinite value.” She replied that everything she did was for those souls, and as He requested, began to list what she did: her holy hours, her little mortifications and penances, the suffering of the Crown of Thorns, every breath she takes, her work, her fears, her weakness and nothingness, everything she did and thought. She told Him that all of this was, “little indeed.” He came back at the 9:00 Mass, saying “these souls are safe now, deep in My Heart.”
Source: McHugh, Joan Carter, My Daily Eucharist II, (Lake Forest, IL, Witness Ministries, 2004), entry for February 5, with an excerpt from The Way of Divine Love by Sr. Josefa Menendez.