December 16, 2013

Marie Fabre

On September 24, 1911, a young woman arrived in Lourdes, France. She was a wife and mother of three children. The births had been difficult, however, and left her with severe health problems, including a uterine prolapse, dyspepsia and mucomembranous-enteritis, a digestive disorder that did not allow her to eat food normally.

Her anemic condition continued to decline and, after medical treatments produced no relief, she travelled to the Marian apparition site with her husband. For the first day and a half, she was so ill that it was decided she could not visit the Grotto or go to the baths. Death was thought to be near.

In the afternoon of the 26th, she took part in the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. After receiving it, she felt better, spoke and sat up on her couch. She was then carried back to the Sept-Douleurs Hospital, where she asked for food and ate solid food for the first time in two years.

Nine months after her return home, she later, on June 23, 1912, it was found that her prolapse had virtually disappeared and was judged to be in excellent health.

On September 8, 1912, Mgr. Pierre Cezerac, Bishop of Cahors, declared her cure miraculous. She is one of the 69 confirmed miracles that have occurred at Lourdes.



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