December 7, 2014

St. Colette

During her long life, Colette was to raise from the dead no less than four people. This gift of the highest form of miracle … placed beyond any doubt, by the fact that these four resurrections were cited during the process of her beatification.

The second person whom she raised from the dead … was named Jehan Boisot, and he was fifteen years old. At the time that Perrine was writing her biography he was still alive. His heartbroken parents could not resign themselves to lose their boy, and the powers attributed to Colette seemed to offer a last chance of holding him from death. At all events, they decided to make the attempt. They carried the bier to the convent chapel, and the father and mother implored Colette to give them back their son. It was early in the morning.

Colette made no reply and went to hear Mass. And then, as if she had made use of the Holy Sacrifice on behalf of this child, she commanded him to arise, and he lifted himself off the bier and walked.

See My Daily Eucharist II by Joan Carter McHugh, and an excerpt contained there from St. Colette and Her Reform by Madame Ste. Marie Perrin.


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