December 3, 2014

If There Were Only Someone to Whom I Might Distribute Them

Blessed Balthasar Alvarez used to visit the Blessed Sacrament often and sometimes would spend whole nights there. Once when kneeling before the altar, he was given a vision of the Lord, who appeared within the Host in the form of a little child. His hands were full of precious stones and He said, “If there were only someone to whom I might distribute them.”

How great His desire must be.

Sources: Mueller, Michael, C.S.S.R., The Blessed Eucharist Our Greatest Treasure (Charlotte, N.C., Tan Books, 2011) p. 55; Liguori, St. Alphonsus M., Visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament, etc. (London, T. Jones, 1849) p. 61.


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