About 20 miles northeast of Munich lies the town of Erding, Germany. On Holy Thursday, 1417, a poor peasant went into the local church and stole a consecrated Host.
He thought he could use it to make his life prosperous economically. He had a neighbor who seemed to work the same amount but was always more successful. When he inquired as to how he did it, the neighbor simply replied that he kept the Blessed Sacrament in his house, meaning that he kept Jesus, the Real Presence of the Eucharist, in his heart. The peasant, however, not at all versed in the doctrines of the Church, came away from his neighbor’s reply with the idea that the Host must be some sort of amulet or lucky charm. This was the backdrop to his decision to steal a Host.
So, he went to Mass on Holy Thursday and received Communion, but instead of consuming the Host, secreted it in a linen cloth. Feeling some pangs of conscience on what he knew was an act of deception, he decided to return the Host back to the church. As he was walking back, the Host flew out of the cloth and up into the air. Then it fell to the ground and disappeared.
Already feeling remorse, and now panic, he immediately ran and confessed to the pastor what had taken place. As soon as he got to the spot where the peasant had lost the Host, the priest caught sight of the Sacred Particle resting on a clump of dirt and gleaming a bright white. The priest reached down to grasp It, but It again flew up into the air, fell to the ground and disappeared.
The priest then informed the Bishop of these events. He also wanted to go to the site where these things had happened. Again, the Host flew up into the air, for a longer period than the previous two times and then fell to the ground and, once again, disappeared. It was never seen again.
The people in the area then decided to build a chapel in honor of the miraculous occurrence. So many pilgrims came to the site that, in 1675, a new and bigger sanctuary was built, which can be visited to this day (although, at present, it may still be closed for some structural repairs).
Source: “The Eucharistic Miracles of the World,” a Vatican international exhibition, as reported by The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association, and
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