December 15, 2017

St. Gertrude and the Fearful Nun

One time, St. Gertrude saw another nun approaching Communion in extreme fear. Gertrude reacted negatively to this, with feelings of indignation toward a person who would fear that person’s own Savior.

Gertrude then hear the voice of the Lord saying, “Do you not know that I am honored by reverence as well as by love? But as human weakness is not able to combine the two at one moment, and as all are members of one body, those who have less should take from those who have more. For example, let her who is more moved by the sweetness of My love think less of the duty of respect, and be thankful that another supplies for her deficiency.”

Source: St. Gertrude, and a religious of her monastery, The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great (Charlotte, North Carolina, Tan Books, 2010) p. 167-68.


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