December 21, 2018

Thirty Years in Ecstasy

On the feast day that celebrates the Eucharist, the feast of Corpus Christi, Mary von Morl suddenly raised herself from her bed an knelt in rapture a long time, It was reported that it was the Blessed Sacrament she “saw in spirit.”

After this, her ecstasies were practically continuous. She would almost never lay down. Her eyes were open, but she was not sensible to what she could see. She was likewise not sensible to being touched. This occurred in such a continuous manner that crowds from the surrounding countryside came to see her.

She was given a room in a convent operated by the Poor School Sisters. Here she lived in this manner for 30 years, and was said to always know when the words of consecration were spoken at Mass in the connected church.

Source: Shapcote, Emily Mary, Legends of the Blessed Sacrament (London, Burns & Oates) p.164.


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