December 11, 2014

Our Lady and Oil from the Tabernacle Lamp

Miguel-Juan Pellicer was working in a field near Castellon in eastern Spain. He fell under a wagon wheel which ran over his right leg. After being taken to a hospital in Valencia where the doctors could not help him, he discharged himself so that he could travel to Zaragoza and beseech aid from the Madonna del Pilar. Upon arriving in the city, he went to the church commemorating Her appearance in that location to St. James the Greater. He then made a confession and received the Holy Eucharist.

Subsequently, he was taken to the local hospital and the doctors, diagnosing a sufficiently advanced case of gangrene, amputated his leg just below the knee. The leg was then buried in a cemetery net to the hospital.

For more than two years, Miguel-Juan subsisted as a beggar of alms near the church. Every morning he went to Mass and prayed before the Blessed Sacrament. He also made it a practice to rub his leg with oil taken from the lamp that marked His Presence in the tabernacle.

Feeling he had been away from his family long enough, he arrived back home in Calanda in March, 1640. One night, after a vigil in honor of the Blessed Mother, he went to bed having already rubbed his leg with oil he still had from the tabernacle lamp. During the night, his mother came to check on him and noticed not one but two feet extending outward from under the blanket. Inexplicably, he had recovered his amputated limb.

An official inquiry was opened in Zaragoza. Testimony was given at public hearings from 24 witnesses, including one of the amputating surgeons and others at the hospital. On April 27, 1641, the Archbishop of Zaragoza made the proclamation that a miracle had occurred.

Sources: “The Eucharistic Miracles of the World,” a Vatican international exhibition, as reported by The Real Presence Eucharistic Adoration Association,, and a Wikipedia article,


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