She Asked, He Gave
It was a few days before Ascension Thursday in 2003 and something happened for which Carol Ann needed to go to confession. There were no confession times that were scheduled to take place before Thursday. She did have a spiritual director whom she could ask for a personal confession time, but she was too embarrassed ask him.
Carol Ann seriously wanted to receive Communion on Thursday, but knew she had to be reconciled to Him first. Her town, however, had a church with perpetual adoration. She went there without exactly knowing why. She prayed for His understanding if she did not receive Him on Thursday.
Then she went out of the chapel to where some books and reading material were kept. At that very time, a priest passed her on his way into the sacristy. It was an unusual time of night for a priest to be there.
She returned to the chapel, knelt and resumed her prayer when she heard, “You asked for a way.” There were other people in the room, but they were all silent. Carol Ann asked, “what?” Once more she heard a voice. It said, “You asked for a way, and that way is outside.” She now understood.
Still not satisfied to some degree, she mildly protested that she did not even know this priest and was not comfortable confessing to him. For a third time, there in His presence, she heard a voice beckoning to her. It said simply, “You asked, I gave.”
She once more located the priest and made her confession. He was most understanding and helped her with her difficulty.
She went back into the chapel and felt very much at peace.
Source: Proctor, Sr. Patricia, OSC, 201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist (Spokane, Washington, The Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare, 2004) p. 179-80.
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