March 15, 2018

The Disappearing Ulcer

Diane lived in North York, a suburb of Toronto, in Ontario, Canada. As she was experiencing a good deal of pain in her stomach, she went to see her family doctor. He referred her to a gastroenterologist who performed an endoscopy. The results of the testing were fairly plain. She had a severe gastric ulcer. She was told to return the following week for more tests, at which time it would be determined whether she required surgery.

As it happened, a priest was then visiting Toronto from the Philippines. His name was Fr. Theo Rustia and he was in town to perform a healing Mass.
Diane went with her husband and her eldest son. The service took three hours. The healing portion of the service took only 20 minutes. The rest of the time was devoted to the Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Diane was struck with unusual force by that Mass. The prayer and reverence for the Eucharist all resonated with her especially. She said: she “never felt as close to God as I did that night. Even though we were in church for three hours, it seemed more like 30 minutes. I didn’t want it to end.”

When she received Communion, she said that, “the Eucharist took on a whole new meaning for me.”

After Communion, people came forward to the altar, for healing prayers. When Fr. Rustia came to Diane, he suddenly stopped and inquired what was wrong with her. She told him, and he laid hands on her stomach, praying for her.

A few days later, she went back to the hospital for another endoscopy. As he performed the test, a look of incredulity came over his face. He said: “This is impossible. I can’t believe what I am seeing. There is no sign of the ulcer. It has completely disappeared.”

Diane knew the reason for the abrupt change. For her, she could readily believe what the doctor told her he saw. In fact, she had known that she had been cured from the time of the Mass.

Source: Proctor, Sr. Patricia, OSC, 201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist (Spokane, Washington, The Franciscan Monastery of St. Clare, 2004) p. 261-62.


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