December 5, 2017

St. Gertrude’s Fellow Traveler

At the time of her death, St. Gertrude was the abbess of a monastery of Benedictine nuns. Twelve days after her death, another nun in the same monastery also died. She was young and innocent, and her death stuck the convent rather hard. Another member of that community, probably the nun who helped to write The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great, prayed for her soul at a Mass following her death.

At the elevation of the Host, this sister made a prayerful offering of the His Real Presence for her young colleague. Then this sister saw the deceased young nun, elevated to a high degree of glory. Her clothes shone brilliantly and she was being honored by blessed spirits.

Afterwards, whenever this sister made this same prayer, she also experienced the same amazing sight.

Source: St. Gertrude, and a religious of her monastery, The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great (Charlotte, North Carolina, Tan Books, 2010) p. 52.


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